Virginian U-11 Girls Bronze (8v8), FASA Impact Red, SYC Thunder Blue, 6:4. U-11 Boys Silver (11v11), Clarkstown 97 Red, Wyckoff Torpedoes Red, 5:1 ...
Virginian The Virginian is a Class I tournament open to USYSA FIFA affiliated club/league teams and is an approved tournament of the Virginia Youth Soccer Association ...
Virginian November 20, 2008 - The 2009 Virginian Soccer Tournament has begun accepting applications for the 2009 Tournament. Teams may apply by clicking here. ...
Virginian U-12 Girls Silver (8v8), NVSC Junior Majestics 95 Elite, VYS Quest White, 4:2. U-12 Girls Bronze (8v8), Hawks Soccer Club Green, CYA Blast, 2:1 ...
Virginian U-13 Girls Bronze East, FC Pittsburgh Black Fusion, FASA Unity Red, 3:0 ... U-16 Girls Silver, PWSI Courage '91 White, Loudoun 91 White, 2:0 ...
Virginian News, information, calendar, rules, history, directions, and links. Springfield, Virginia.
Virginian U-11/U-12 Girls Silver (11v11), ODFC Clash, FPYC Strikers, 3:0. U-12 Boys Silver (8v8), NVSC Revolution, CSL-United Junkyard Dawgs-Academy Orange, 4:0 ...
Virginian The Virginian is a Class I tournament open to USYSA FIFA affiliated club/league teams and ... Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington D.C., and West Virginia. ... November 20, 2008 - The 2009 Virginian Soccer Tournament has begun ...
Virginian News, information, calendar, rules, history, directions, and links. Springfield, Virginia.
Virginian News, information, calendar, rules, history, directions, and links. Springfield, Virginia.