Your role as a carer
Sometimes becoming a carer causes a role reversal. For example, if you're caring for a parent, it may suddenly seem like they're the child and you have to ...
www.arresto-cardiaco.it - Glossario
- [ Translate this page ]L'arresto cardiaco improvviso non è un attacco cardiaco. L'attacco cardiaco è un problema di tenuta del cuore; una o più arterie che trasportano sangue al ...
Qu'est-ce qu'une coronaropathie ?
- [ Translate this page ]La coronaropathie est la forme la plus courante de maladie cardiaque en Europe et aux États-Unis. Si vous êtes atteint de coronaropathie, cela signifie que ...
Liste des centres antidouleur
- [ Translate this page ]Mal de dos, de jambes, lombosciatiques , arthrose, migraine, algodystrophie , angine de poitrine, sont des causes courantes de douleur chronique.
Blackouts: head or heart?
Less obviously, but equally important, people can suffer considerable anxiety over the constant potential of another blackout. This anxiety restricts daily ...
www.muertesubita.com - Glosario
- [ Translate this page ]Al utilizar un desfibrilador externo se hacen pasar fuertes choques eléctricos ... Desfibrilador externo manual. Dispositivos portátiles utilizados para ...
Liste des centres antidouleur
- [ Translate this page ]Pour trouver un centre près de chez vous, reportez-vous à la carte ... Les établissements répertoriés dans la rubrique "réseau anti douleur" ont été ...
Specialised pain clinics in the U.K. and Ireland : chronic pain ...
Aug 16, 2004 ... Back and leg pain, FBS, arthritis, recurrent headache, CRPS, angina pectoris and peripheral vascular disease are common causes of chronic ...
Specialised pain clinics in the U.K. and Ireland : chronic pain ...
Aug 16, 2004 ... Back and leg pain, FBS, arthritis, recurrent headache, CRPS, angina pectoris and peripheral vascular disease are common causes of chronic ...