USELESS ADVICE FROM USELESS MEN: QUESTION # 325: STUBBORN ITCH I have a persistent itch in that one spot, you know, that spot that 'taint quite my butt hole and 'taint quite my nuts. ...
USELESS ADVICE FROM USELESS MEN: QUESTION # 397: BEN WA HAS BALLS Oct 25, 2006 ... I know of no other man who has bought Ben Wa balls, let alone use them first, ... 22% Jade eggs, 78% blink-182. Click here. ...
USELESS ADVICE FROM USELESS MEN: QUESTION # 577: ROAD KILL CLEAN-UP Aug 10, 2007 ... So that is my question... who cleans up the road kill? Actually, who cleans up all the animal roadkill and is that the same bunch who clean ...
USELESS ADVICE FROM USELESS MEN: QUESTION # 260: VISUALLY IMPAIRED ... QUESTION # 260: VISUALLY IMPAIRED DATING. Dear Useless Men, I have been going on (blind) dates on a few occassions and none of them have ...
USELESS ADVICE FROM USELESS MEN: QUESTION # 219: RRSP, MORTGAGES ... QUESTION # 219: RRSP, MORTGAGES AND OTHER INVESTMENT ADVICE. Dear Useless Men, It's RRSP season and I wonder if I should contribute as much as I can to my ...
USELESS ADVICE FROM USELESS MEN: QUESTION # 295: GROIN PULL QUESTION # 295: GROIN PULL. Dear Useless Men, I desperately need to cure my softball related groin injury before this weekend; ...
USELESS ADVICE FROM USELESS MEN: QUESTION # 292: CRUISE WITH THE ... QUESTION # 292: CRUISE WITH THE CRAZIES. Dear Useless Men, Do you think Tom Cruise is an alien? He sure has been acting strangely. ...
USELESS ADVICE FROM USELESS MEN Answering questions about men, dating, every day life and the idiosyncrasies of the stereotypical male in general.
USELESS ADVICE FROM USELESS MEN All material submitted to this site become property of Useless Advice for Useless Men and may be used in other formats in future. ...
USELESS ADVICE FROM USELESS MEN: QUESTION # 410: MAN THONG Monday, November 13, 2006. QUESTION # 410: MAN THONG. Dear Useless Men, ... Keep only thong underwear in there and before you, or he, know it, ...