Maps and driving directions to Xentec NV in Kortenberg Belgium
Maps show where Xentec is located and how you can reach Kortenberg.
There are various flavors of ADPCM. This particular algorithm was suggested by the International Multimedia Association (IMA). IMA ADPCM compresses data ...
Maps and driving directions to Xentec NV in Kortenberg Belgium
Maps show where Xentec is located and how you can reach Kortenberg.
Dialogic formats
Dialogic telephony cards use sampling rates of 6.0, 6.053, 8.0, 8.117 or 11.025 KHz. For some cards the sampling rate is programmable, for others it is not. ...
Vox Studio formats: ADPCM, A-law or Mu-law, WAV, VOX, CVSD, PCM ...
Dialogic. Windows WAV. Natural MicroSystems. OKI ADPCM. IBM Directalk. NewVoice CVSD. InterVoice. SoundDesigner II. Centigram. Sun/Next. CCITT G.711 ...
Microsoft ADPCM
Microsoft ADPCM is directly supported on most Windows implementations as a native format. Although the quality of IMA ADPCM voice files is not great, ...
Sound Devices
If you have the Microsoft Sound Mapper installed (it is just software usually installed by default with Windows sound support) it may be a good idea to ...
Download Vox Studio: voice files in ADPCM, A-law or Mu-law, WAV ...
Download the Vox Convert DLL only. Download the latest version of the file conversion DLL (built into Vox Studio since version 3.0). ...
Vox Studio wav files conversion for telephony
Vox Studio converts WAV files in ADPCM, Mu-law or A-law, CVSD and PCM. Conversion to Dialogic, NMS and other computer telephony formats supported by Xentec ...
Vox Studio files in adpcm, wav, a-law or mu-law, pcm, cvsd ...
Computer Telephony tools for Dialogic and NMS hardware. Record, Edit, convert files from WAV to Vox.