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Competitors (789)
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#Competitors: 0
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Organic Keywords
Keywords found: 0
#Competitors: 819
Average Position: N/A
PPC Overview
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Competitors (819) Keywords
youtube.com 30,834,319
amazon.com 22,358,187
en.wikipedia.org 28,718,623
imdb.com 6,038,962
movies.yahoo.com 688,546
digg.com 1,445,362
ezinearticles.com 1,726,846
rottentomatoes.com 616,705
myspace.com 1,768,741
nytimes.com 1,893,341
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Organic Listing Variations
Inspiration, anyone? « Bring the love back
Cecilia | June 3, 2008 at 6:07 pm. Can you please sendme the text of them ... B. Johnson | November 26, 2008 at 7:48 pm. Great video. Two-Dot-Zero! Haha! ...
Why the movie and why this movie? « Bring the love back
Microsoft Digital Advertising Solutions Quand? 20 Avril 2007 Quoi? Compréhension entre [...] 18. Brady J. Frey | May 23, 2007 at 4:10 pm ...
Why the movie and why this movie? « Bring the love back
As you might have read in a earlier posting here: http://bringtheloveback.com/2007/03/14/why-a-movie/ we at Microsoft Digital Advertising ...
Why the movie and why this movie? « Bring the love back
Microsoft Digital Advertising Solutions Quand? 20 Avril 2007 Quoi? Compréhension entre [...] 18. Brady J. Frey | May 23, 2007 at 4:10 pm ...
Bring the love back
... the category “viral advertising” and in the Sharks we are also shortlisted. ... If you prefer other video sharing sites, you can find it on Soapbox and ...
Bring the love back
The sequel to “Bring the love back” is almost ready. As soon as it is finalized I’ll put it online. For the time being, I can already share a few shots ...
The movie is finally here « Bring the love back
Hi Hans, we actually had another version of the movie where a waitress played “the potential consumer” that attracted the attention from the advertiser… but ...
The movie is finally here « Bring the love back
Hi Hans, we actually had another version of the movie where a waitress played “the potential consumer” that attracted the attention from the advertiser… but ...
Inspiration, anyone? The movie « Bring the love back
time it is for the 2nd movie:”Inspiration, anyone”. We are shortlisted in the Eurobest festival in the category “viral advertising” and in the [...] ...
The movie is finally here « Bring the love back
Hi Hans, we actually had another version of the movie where a waitress played “the potential consumer” that attracted the attention from the advertiser… but ...
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Sometimes you don’t know exactly what you are looking for in a Research data. That’s when our searching options may come handy.
The Domain Search
This search allows you to enter the domain name of the site you want to analyze. For example, you may enter “amazon.com” in the KeywordSpy search bar.

The Keyword Search
This will let you enter terms and key phrases in the search bar such as “send flowers”, “cover letters”, “keyword software,” and even a single broad term like “chocolate”.

The Ad Copy Search
This allows you to enter any texts or content included in an ad copy, whether the ones in ad copy headline or the ones in description lines. For example: “sunglasses”.
The Destination URL Search
This search allows you to enter the destination URL of the site that you want to analyze.

The destination URL is the address where a searcher is taken when an advertisement copy in search engines is clicked. Please take note that the destination URL differs from the display URL which appears at the bottom of advertisement copies.

Please be reminded to always include http:// at the beginning of your Destination URL search. For example: “http://www.proflowers.com”.

In addition, if you want to find all the ads that KeywordSpy indexed for a specific affiliate network e.g. Hydra Network. You should search in Destination URL the string lynxtrack.com.