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Organic Listing Variations
It often becomes less prominent in the first year of life as the infant grows. ... The degree of tongue protrusion may vary in different situations. ...
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome Tips
Many hospitals even have childhood constipation clinics where the children are followed up regularly. If the problem has been going on for a long time it ...
The speech and language therapist will assess your child’s speech and language development, oro-motor skills, and feeding skills. ...
What is Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
An enlarged tongue, which may cause breathing, feeding and speaking difficulties, as well as excessive dribbling. It may increase susceptibility to ...
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
The incidence of BWS has been reported as approximately 1:15000 births ... This was started in 1990 by a group of parents with BWS children to share ...
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
The incidence of BWS has been reported as approximately 1:15000 births ... This was started in 1990 by a group of parents with BWS children to share ...
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
The incidence of BWS has been reported as approximately 1:15000 births ... This was started in 1990 by a group of parents with BWS children to share ...
Wilms Tumour
Wilms tumour is a fast growing tumour of the kidneys that occurs in about 7.5% of ... However, Wilms tumour is one of modern medicine’s success stories. ...
Wilms Tumour
The prognosis for children with Wilms tumour depends largely on the stage, or extent, of the disease at the time of diagnosis and on certain microscopic ...
Wilms Tumour
Wilms tumour is a fast growing tumour of the kidneys that occurs in about 7.5% of ... However, Wilms tumour is one of modern medicine’s success stories. ...
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