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Gastric Balloon
Prices in Germany are normally 65% below the cost of a gastric balloon in the US and are individually quoted. They include all medical expenses, ...
Lap Band Surgery
This amount can vary depending on the softness of the food and the restriction of the person’s band. Many people find that they are more restricted in the ...
European Medical Tourist
Our bariatric surgeon is among the top three in the world for the lap band surgery, gastric bypass and duodenal switch, surgeries. European Medical Tourist ...
Lap Band Surgery
This restriction creates a feeling of fullness which helps the person to eat less and therefore lose weight. The lap band or gastric band is adjustable via ...
Lap Band Research
Lap Band Surgery: Laparoscopic Technique. For creation of the pneumoperitoneum, the double- click technique in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen was ...
Lap Band Surgery
Some more experienced doctors do their fills without the fluoroscope; e.g. this is standard practice in the main bariatric surgery clinic in Melbourne, ...
Lap Band Surgery
Indications for lap band surgery. In general, gastric banding is indicated for people for whom all of the following apply:. Body Mass Index above 40, ...
Kidney Transplant
The main indication for a kidney transplant is kidney failure, regardless of the cause. Common causes include hypertension, infections, diabetes mellitus ...
Knee Replacement
An open infection in the operative area is generally regarded as an absolute contra-indication to total knee replacement. A source of infection somewhere ...
Degenerative Spondylolisthesis is a disease of the older adult that develops as a result facet arthritis and facet remodeling. As the facets remodel, ...
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