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When Malaria Strikes
Children like Perfect and her mother will still suffer from malaria but rarely and there will be hope for survival. The malaria control clock will move on ...
Bagamoyo unit carries out malaria trials
Msafiri, six months old, is among 340 children participating in a malaria vaccine trial at the Bagamoyo Research and Training Unit (BRTU) in Tanzania. ...
when malaria makes the body fight itself
Auto-immune-like response is said to have a different effect in adults, ... and the immune system will go a long way in ensuring that malaria does not kill. ...
Indepth Network @10
There was certainly a cause for jubilation when INDEPTH Network and its partners met again at the same venue for their 8th annual general meeting (AGM) ...
Pestilence of Hope
KEMRI Kilifi centre came into being in 1989. While it has continuously generated research for the last 18 years, the pace seems to have been heightened in ...
Killing the African Hippopotamus-Malaria
It is time to “kill” the African Hippopotamus malaria! Studies are being conducted to see if this drug, complex in administrating, could be distributed in ...
when malaria makes the body fight itself
Medical experts have warned that malaria, with all its debilitating effects on the patient, can also make the body work contrary to itself, ...
when malaria makes the body fight itself
Auto-immune-like response is said to have a different effect in adults, ... and the immune system will go a long way in ensuring that malaria does not kill. ...
when malaria makes the body fight itself
Medical experts have warned that malaria, with all its debilitating effects on the patient, can also make the body work contrary to itself, ...
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