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Cleaning and Care
These various products require different care and cleaning procedures, necessitating familiarity so you know what you are cleaning. Conventional Clear Vinyl ...
Purchasing an Enclosure
An enclosure for the bridge of any boat is a very expensive item and great care should be taken to get good value. But what is value in the world of ...
Cleaning and Care
Polycarbonate scratches easily and turns a nice yellow when subjected to UV. The sound of a large tin sheet shaken back and forth is another telltale sign ...
EZ2CY Marine Enclosures
Information and education for consumers and the industry about various marine enclosure materials and systems available. Facts, data and information for the ...
Lighthouse Canvas
This is the 2nd time Lighthouse Canvas Company won the award for their enclosure made from the Acrylic, a semi rigid product known as EZ2CY®. ...
EZ2CY Marine Enclosures
In the application of a boat enclosure this downfall is easily avoided by learning proper handling procedures. In addition, "Acrylite Plus" has limited this ...
Lighthouse Canvas
Lighthouse Canvas wins Best Marine Enclosure Award for 2006! ... The company won the Best Marine Enclosure Award in 2004, 2006 and also won awards in 4 ...
EZ2CY Marine Enclosures
Do you know how difficult it is to clean the outside of a bridge enclosure, from side to side only? Or "don't apply cleaners in direct sunlight or at ...
Mystery of the Enclosures
HYZOD®AR is an example of a UV inhibited polycarbonate with a coating to protect and provide scratch resistance. This product is however only for flat ...
Mystery of the Enclosures
Most of us were introduced to Polycarbonate by Sheffield Plastics whom produce HYZOD® and introduced it as "Polycarbonate for the Marine Industry" that ...
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