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Organic Keywords (330)
Competitors (1,227)
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Organic Overview
Keywords (330) Position
how to cabin 13
why visio 3
be a pi 18
success about 8
what is visio 7
what is microsoft visio 10
management applications 12
what is fluff 16
free lance 18
website items 1
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Competitors (1,252) Keywords
amazon.com 22,358,187
youtube.com 30,834,319
en.wikipedia.org 28,718,623
answers.yahoo.com 10,536,143
freelanceswitch.com 7,526
digg.com 1,445,362
money.cnn.com 536,392
slate.com 309,433
ezinearticles.com 1,726,846
ubuntuforums.org 1,008,396
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Organic Listing Variations
Myths, Half-Truths, and Other Freelance Lies | Freelance Folder
With the economy on a downward spiral, more people than ever before are examining freelancing as a viable source of income.
Simple Time Management Tools Are Best | Freelance Folder
Sidekick is an old software program. They quit making. ... He works from home managing blogs on behalf of NameCritic and owns Articles.pn, ...
6 Easy Ways Freelancers Can Save Money | Freelance Folder
Managing your money and expenses is usually just a matter of prioritizing and keeping track of things for most of us who are full time.
Ideas And Tools For A Paperless Office | Freelance Folder
Is it possible to freelance, run a business, be productive, and not use paper at all? Or at least reduce your paper consumption to a minimum ...
Battle Productivity Brain Drain With an Idea Budget | Freelance Folder
Battle Productivity Brain Drain With an Idea Budget You’ll restore some balance in your life and actually get things done with these seven adapted.
Congrats To Daniel Sitter - DavidAirey.com Blog Contest ...
Hi folks, just a quick post to let you know that Daniel Sitter, who runs Idea Sellers (a blog I read on a regular basis), is one of the lucky winners in a.
How Fast Can You Get Back To Doing Business? | Freelance Folder
You know how much it would take to replace your computer, so you want to make ... Now that you know these tips, how fast will you be when your computer has ...
How Fast Can You Get Back To Doing Business? | Freelance Folder
You know how much it would take to replace your computer, so you want to make ..... I came to work for Selkie Software after my computer crashed and they ...
Handy Designer’s Tools “On The Fly” | Freelance Folder
Handy Designer’s Tools “On The Fly” Whether you’d like to generate css layouts, create vector images, format or optimize CSS code, generate patterns-
How To Set Your Freelance Rates (An Overview) | Freelance Folder
In general, setting your freelance rate should be based on three factors: ..... 28 Must Read Articles For Growing Your Freelance Design Business ...
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Sometimes you don’t know exactly what you are looking for in a Research data. That’s when our searching options may come handy.
The Domain Search
This search allows you to enter the domain name of the site you want to analyze. For example, you may enter “amazon.com” in the KeywordSpy search bar.

The Keyword Search
This will let you enter terms and key phrases in the search bar such as “send flowers”, “cover letters”, “keyword software,” and even a single broad term like “chocolate”.

The Ad Copy Search
This allows you to enter any texts or content included in an ad copy, whether the ones in ad copy headline or the ones in description lines. For example: “sunglasses”.
The Destination URL Search
This search allows you to enter the destination URL of the site that you want to analyze.

The destination URL is the address where a searcher is taken when an advertisement copy in search engines is clicked. Please take note that the destination URL differs from the display URL which appears at the bottom of advertisement copies.

Please be reminded to always include http:// at the beginning of your Destination URL search. For example: “http://www.proflowers.com”.

In addition, if you want to find all the ads that KeywordSpy indexed for a specific affiliate network e.g. Hydra Network. You should search in Destination URL the string lynxtrack.com.