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Kitchener Waterloo Chamber Orchestra
This is our annual concert in aid of the FOODBANK OF WATERLOO REGION. Bring lots of nonperishables and hear the stars of tomorrow. ...
Kitchener Waterloo Chamber Orchestra
Since graduating, she has peformed with the National Academy Orchestra, the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony, the Mississauga Symphony and maintains her position ...
Kitchener Waterloo Chamber Orchestra
Vicky has been playing with our orchestra in various capacities, including Concertmaster, ... and has had a long history of youth orchestra participation. ...
Kitchener Waterloo Chamber Orchestra
Anthea Conway-White has played with the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Youth Orchestra for the past five years and has twice won their concerto competitions ...
Kitchener Waterloo Chamber Orchestra
Eagerly anticipated is the return of Edmonton pianist Sarah Ho performing Beethoven's Emperor Concerto. Violinist Jennifer Kozbial, twice winner of our ...
Kitchener Waterloo Chamber Orchestra
This is our annual concert in aid of the FOODBANK OF WATERLOO REGION. Bring lots of nonperishables and hear the stars of tomorrow. ...
Kitchener Waterloo Chamber Orchestra
The winner in each Junior Class performs with the Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Orchestra in our Showcase concert on Saturday, March 6, 2010, 8:00 pm. ...
Kitchener Waterloo Chamber Orchestra
He has completed advanced studies in Cello and Chamber Music at the Hochschule fur Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Vienna. Alan has been a member of the ...
Kitchener Waterloo Chamber Orchestra
The Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Orchestra has been a part of this area's musical ... The orchestra is conducted by its founding music director, Graham Coles, ...
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