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De Clarke's Personal Opinion (isn't bisque beautiful?)
Bike trailers are really nifty. You can carry 100 lbs or more of cargo in a .... So I decided to buy a Bykaboose Gecko, a folding trailer which looks rather ...
Eight Basic Principles of Project Management
A carelessly planned project will take three times longer to complete than you expected; a carefully planned project will only take twice as long. ...
Letter to UCS Re: Hybrid Cars
Nov 11, 2000 ... Yet UCS, in its shameless paean to the hybrid-powered automobile, assures its readership that buying and driving a "green" car is a sound, ...
Eight Basic Principles of Project Management
A carelessly planned project will take three times longer to complete than you expected; a carefully planned project will only take twice as long. ...
De Clarke's Transportation Alternatives Page
"What if we fail to stop the erosion of cities by automobiles?... In that case, we Americans will hardly need to ponder a mystery that has troubled men for ...
De Clarke's Personal Opinion (isn't bisque beautiful?)
Bike trailers are really nifty. You can carry 100 lbs or more of cargo in a trailer, .... and you can build your own custom trailer starting with that. ...
The Physics of Santa
You've also assumed that each home that has kids would have at least one good kid. ... The number of children per household, when figured as an average for ...
De Clarke's Personal Opinion (isn't bisque beautiful?)
So I decided to buy a Bykaboose Gecko, a folding trailer which looks rather like a canvas wheelbarrow. The Gecko is deep, shaped somewhat like a Victorian ...
Improving Cyclist Safety
The only way to ensure cyclist safety is to reduce the risk of crashing -- especially being crashed into by cars. So how would I make cycling safer? ...
How People Explain Car Accidents
The other car collided with mine without giving warning of its intention. ... To avoid hitting the bumper of the car in front I struck a pedestrian. ...
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