Installing Debian Web-server with Apache, PHP, and MySQL on ...
Installing Debian Web-server with Apache, PHP, and MySQL on virtual machine. Why Debian? Because Debian is a popular Linux distribution vendor and has small ...
ThinkPad X61 Tablet and Ubuntu Hardy Heron | Debian-News.net ...
I will dedicate most of this post to talk about it’s compability with Linux. I installed the first alpha of Ubuntu Hardy Heron, and I got all of the major.
ThinkPad X61 Tablet and Ubuntu Hardy Heron | Debian-News.net ...
I will dedicate most of this post to talk about it’s compability with Linux. I installed the first alpha of Ubuntu Hardy Heron, and I got all of the major.
Ubuntu 7.04 on Thinkpad X41 - Upgrading | Debian-News.net - Your ...
This is one of a number of posts detailing how to install Ubuntu 6.10 (codename Edgy) on a Thinkpad X41. This post focuses on upgrading from Ubuntu Edgy ...
Ubuntu on a USB stick with XPS 720 | Debian-News.net - Your one ...
This blogger fixes his GRUB on Vista - and works on getting Ubuntu on a USB stick. Read it hereQuote:Remember I thought that Vista would not play well with.
Another Sam Hocevar interview | Debian-News.net - Your one stop ...
Another Sam Hocevar interview. Hocevar's election comes at a time when Debian ... Gunnar Wolf: Inviting: First VC for the EDUSOL 2009 seminary - Thursday, ...
'dab' Debian/Ubuntu Appliance Builder released! | Debian-News.net ...
Creating high quality appliances is a difficult task and requires deep knowledge of the underlying operating system. So we created the 'Debian Appliance.
KNOPPIX 4.0.2 released | Debian-News.net - Your one stop for news ...
Security updates for xserver-xfree86, xlibs, mozilla-firefox - [DVD] Added freemind (mindmapping tool) - [DVD] Added Debian Anwenderhandbuch V3.0 ...
Debian-News.net - Your one stop for news about Debian
Mar 13, 2009 ... This guide explains how you can install and use KVM for creating and running virtual machines on a Debian Lenny server. ...
How to add a GRUB Splash Screen Image in Debian Linux | Debian ...
Are you tired of seeing the plain old (black background and blue blox) Grub screen when you turn on your computer to boot Linux?