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My Lady Judge
A review of the historical mystery novel My Lady Judge by Cora Harrison.
Novels of the Eighteenth Century
James Tipton, Annette Vallon: A Novel of the French Revolution, about the French lover of the eighteenth century English poet Wordsworth. ...
A review of the historical novel The Kingmaking by Helen Hollick.
Jewel Trader of Pegu
A review of the historical novel The Jewel Trader of Pegu by Jeffrey Hantover.
William Sarabande is the pen name of Joan Hamilton Cline, author of the First North Americans series about North America during the Ice Age. ...
Michael Pearce, The Mamur Zapt and the Return of the Carpet (1988), about a British official in turn-of-the-century Egypt who must calm tensions when a ...
Writing Historical Fiction
After several historical novels have made it onto the bestseller lists in recent years, publishers have grown more interested in them. ...
House of Doctor Dee
A review by Linda Proud of the historical novel The House of Doctor Dee by Peter Ackroyd.
Historical Novels: India
Historical Novels: India. A list of historical novels set in India, listed alphabetically by author's surname.
Historical Novels: India
Historical Novels: India. A list of historical novels set in India, ... in India), a series of novellas set in various periods of Indian history from the ...
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