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One suggestion is that God gave Jesus healing power to authenticate his ministry. This might be true, but surely the Holy Spirit needs to have his ministry ...
Dangerous Compromise in the Meat Industry
Although Iran is no longer an important market for New Zealand lamb, Halal slaughtering is still an important part of our meat export industry. ...
Personal Protection
Spiritual protection from the two types of personal attack described above comes through relationships with other Christians and with Christian elders. ...
The most urgent need of the modern church is for the restoration of the prophetic ministry. In recent years the gift of prophecy has been rediscovered, ...
The Rugby Game
The story begins at half time in a game of rugby. (For those who are not familiar with rugby see the alternative version, The Football Game. ...
The Prophetic Message
The second part of the prophetic message is God’s plan for history. Prophets describe what God is doing in the world. They give the long-term plan and ...
Those with a prophetic calling must be prepared to pay the price. It is not just at the end, but all throughout in a special experience in humiliation and ...
The earth will filled with the Glory of the Lord as the Water covers the Sea. Challenging articles that apply Biblical principles to all aspects of life ...
False Prophets
Conversely, the false prophet confuses his anointing with what he thinks in ... You have not gone up to the breaks in the wall to repair it for the house of ...
Radical Leadership
In the world leadership takes the form of a pyramid. There is a hierarchy of power with one person at the top. In contrast, leadership in the New Testament ...
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