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Appearances ‎(MSU Pompon)‎
KVC Pompon Competition - guest performers. - MAPP High Kick Championships - guest performers. - Byron Center Pom & Dance Invitational - guest performers ...
Big & Little Sisters ‎(MSU Pompon)‎
To provide those with a passion for pompon the opportunity to continue learning, performing & competing at collegiate level.
HOME ‎(MSU Pompon)‎
MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY POMPON 2008-2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Spring Mini-Clinic 2009. Sunday, March 22nd ...
Announcements ‎(MSU Pompon)‎
The team competed at the Mid American Pompon Championships on Sunday, February 15th at Eastern Michigan University against 6th other collegiate programs to ...
Appearances ‎(MSU Pompon)‎
MSU Pompon is proud to represent Michigan State at various campus events & fundraisers, pompon & dance competitions throughout Michigan including Mid ...
Announcements ‎(MSU Pompon)‎
Congratulations to MSU Pompon for bringing home the Collegiate Championship ... For the 3rd consecutive year, MSU Pompon helped spread some holiday cheer at ...
HOME ‎(MSU Pompon)‎
To provide those with a passion for pompon the opportunity to continue learning, performing & competing at collegiate level.
About MSU Pompon ‎(MSU Pompon)‎
MSU Pompon was the first ever traditional Mid American style pompon team ... Contact Mid American Pompon & Studio located in Farmington Hills, MI. ...
Announcements ‎(MSU Pompon)‎
Close to 70 girls joined us in East Lansing and shared in learning a warm-up and fun pompon routine. We hope that all who attended enjoyed the clinic & made ...
Announcements ‎(MSU Pompon)‎
Close to 70 girls joined us in East Lansing and shared in learning a warm-up and fun pompon routine. We hope that all who attended enjoyed the clinic & made ...
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