Noemax • Generate New Password
Open New Account · Downloads · Premium Support · Rapid Response · Architectural Insight · Register Product · Renew Subscription. »Generate New Password ...
Noemax Technologies • Communication components for .NET, .NET CF ...
Noemax is the leading provider of communication components for the Microsoft .NET Framework, .NET Compact Framework, Azure Services Platform and ...
FastInfoset.NET FAQ
Yes, FastInfoset.NET acts as an integral part of .NET by implementing the abstract XmlReader and XmlWriter of .NET. You can use Fast Infoset as if it was a ...
Download FastInfoset.NET Trial
To use FastInfoset.NET in production, for commercial purposes or to distribute its components, you must purchase a commercial license. ...
Fast Infoset Performance Benchmarks
The test documents were converted from the text XML format to the Fast Infoset XML format using FI Converter 2.2.0 and to the .NET Binary XML format using ...
Noemax • Ordering Information
ELEMENT5INFO.COM" on your statement. PayPal. PayPal payments are accepted in USD, EUR, CAD, GBP and JPY. If you choose PayPal as your payment option, ...
GZIP Compression for .NET
DotNetGZip™ implements the GZIP and DEFLATE Internet Standards. It offers you higher compression ratios than the System.IO.Compression classes of .NET ...
GZIP Compression for .NET
DotNetGZip™ implements the GZIP and DEFLATE Internet Standards. It offers you higher compression ratios than the System.IO.Compression classes of .NET ...
Noemax Technologies • Communication components for .NET, .NET CF ...
Noemax is the leading provider of communication components for the Microsoft .NET Framework, .NET Compact Framework, Azure Services Platform and ...
Download GZ Compressor
GZ Compressor is a freely available utility that uses DotNetGZip to compress and decompress files according to the GZIP Internet Standard. ...