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File Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML In the first decade of the 1900s, Albert Einstein (who, by the way, claimed to be a dowser) developed the Theory of General Relativity. Up to that time, ...
An Experiment in Dowsing and Self Healing by Pete Warburton July 2008
Only several years later did I learn that Bob was "dowsing" (Bird 1979). ... sounded like those of John Bowlby (1969), so dowsing and psychology connected. ..... Story: a WWII marine general (named Smith) told a friend two weeks before ...
A Revolutionary Breakthrough in Science: The Rodin Coil
Due to the central circle of wires in a Rodin Torus, it naturally creates a greatly increased magnetic field in the center of the torus, when compared to a ...
Forum Info
Tucson Dowsers. Marge Hefty 520-885-1100. 5926 East Lee St, Tucson. mjh88@earthlink.net. 1st Saturday, 10:30 AM. Unitarian Universalist Church ...
Exercise for the old timers
File Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML Exercise for Old-Timers. By Ralph Edgarton Hernandez. The Problem. Just about every book about health or wellbeing will recommend physical exercise as a way ...
A Revolutionary Breakthrough in Science: The Rodin Coil
Due to the central circle of wires in a Rodin Torus, it naturally creates a greatly increased magnetic field in the center of the torus, when compared to a ...
A Revolutionary Breakthrough in Science: The Rodin Coil
The Rodin Coil is a toroidal—or doughnut-shaped—form wound by wires in a pattern consistent with the number patterns discovered by Mr. Rodin. ...
What is Subtle Energy?
Unknown at this time is the interaction or the impact that subtle energies have on measurable electromagnetic forces, nuclear energy and/or atomic bonds, ...
Matrix Energetics & Dr Richard Bartlett
Richard decided to attend chiropractic school after meeting Dr. Jacque Rowe, an inspiring and unique chiropractor. Dr. Bartlett attended the Parker ...
Forum Info
Lone Star Dowsers. Gail Brittain 713-843-3015. Vernell Boyd 713-826-3772. mamadowser@aol.com · www.lonestardowsers.net. Check website for time and place or ...
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