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Keywords (86) Position
how lies 8
qe do 10
qe do 14
stumbling 19
non cost 7
low job 17
power skill 18
uk versus us 16
mumbling 19
usa versus uk 13
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Competitors (1,104) Keywords
en.wikipedia.org 28,718,623
youtube.com 30,834,319
amazon.com 22,358,187
news.bbc.co.uk 2,637,865
ideas.repec.org 578,079
dailymail.co.uk 432,948
imdb.com 6,038,962
guardian.co.uk 1,046,123
merriam-webster.com 360,844
geocities.com 3,903,201
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Organic Listing Variations
Stumbling and Mumbling: Gays and house prices
Mar 17, 2008 ... Here's one that'll confuse the Daily Mail - gays are good for house prices.Shihe Fu estimates that a rise of one percentage point in the ...
Stumbling and Mumbling: If I were James Purnell...
Is it just me, or does James Purnell look like a trainee estate agent? ... (Name and email address are required. Email address will not be ...
Stumbling and Mumbling: Against tax breaks
Giving tax breaks to married couples is, therefore, inegalitarian in that it gives to those who hath. So, let's see this idea for what it is ...
Stumbling and Mumbling: Do recessions raise productivity?
In the Telegraph, Roger Bootle writes:It actually needs a downturn to flush out the inefficient companies and thereby to release resources ...
Stumbling and Mumbling: Liddle on unethical investing
It's said that the mark of a good popular science writer is that he makes his readers feel like geniuses. By this standard, Rod Liddle is a ...
Stumbling and Mumbling: Dawkins' inconsistency
Here's a curious statement from Richard Dawkins (via Norm): When you think about how fantastically successful the Jewish lobby has been, ...
Stumbling and Mumbling: Immigration & wages: more evidence
Nov 3, 2008 ... This paper (pdf) finds that the main effect of immigration is to reduce the wages not of natives but of previous immigrants; ...
Stumbling and Mumbling: Irrational process, efficient outcome
An irrational voting process can yield an optimal outcome. This is the thought that struck me watching Big Brother last night*.There are three nominations ...
Stumbling and Mumbling: The Turner review: some questions
Mar 19, 2009 ... 3) Won’t regulatory arbitrage circumvent these problems, for example as offshore lenders step in to fill the gaps left by banks? Turner says ...
Stumbling and Mumbling: Housing crash: why worry?
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/analysis-and-features/why- ... that is fully paid (morgage free) they felt much more richer and ...
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