Separation of Church and State
Where did the term “Separation of Church & State (SCS)” come from? ... reinterpreted the phrase to mean that religion can no longer be in the classroom. ...
Joseph Lister
In 1839 the chemist Justin von Liebig had asserted that sepsis was a kind of combustion caused by ... Lister doubted Justin von Liebig’s explanation. ...
Ancient Sea Kings
The above map and information can be studied further in Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings by Charles Hapgood. As an evolutionist, he draws a different ...
Ancient Sea Kings
The above map and information can be studied further in Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings by Charles Hapgood. As an evolutionist, he draws a different ...
Joseph Lister
A researcher and surgeon, Lister recognized the relationship between Pasteur's research and his own. He considered that germs in the air were likely causing ...
How Old Is Our Universe
How Old is our Universe? Download This Tract, Click Here. .... becomes then greater than 89º and must be further divided into minutes and seconds of arc. ...
Ancient Sea Kings
... was that in all of these maps, Australia was not labeled as a separate continent. ... The above map and information can be studied further in Maps of the ... The writing on the map indicates that ancient people explored Antarctica ...
What are the most reliable manuscripts?
Even though the Codex Alexandrius did not come to London until 1627, the translators knew it's contents years before the translation had begun. ...
Peter Francisco: A One Man Army
Soon after Peter Francisco arrived in the New World. Peter was found sitting on a dock. The boy was 5 years old and large for his age. ...
The Story Of Pearl Harbor
Discover the man who lead the attack on pearl harbor on December 7, ... Admiral Yamamoto sent the message to the fleet: “Climb Mount Nitaka”. ...