Tim Fredrick's ELA Teaching Blog: I wish I could quit you!
In one of those weird, fortuitous reading coincidences, I read the following articles back to back: On MSNBC.com, Why Quitting is Good For You, ...
Tim Fredrick's ELA Teaching Blog: Teaching students how to paragraph
In yesterday's post, I talked about teaching students how to paragraph instead of telling them what to put in what paragraph.
Tim Fredrick's ELA Teaching Blog: Opinion on Education Issues
A recent Education Week survey found that 42 percent of students are now ... February 20, 2006 in Opinion on Education Issues | Permalink | Comments (2) ...
Tim Fredrick's ELA Teaching Blog
I think her point was that when you are "done" with teaching (i.e., you are burned out), you are not doing anyone any favors by staying. ...
Tim Fredrick's ELA Teaching Blog: Teaching students how to paragraph
In yesterday's post, I talked about teaching students how to paragraph instead of telling them what to put in what paragraph.
Tim Fredrick's ELA Teaching Blog: Excel Spreadsheet Gradebook
I haven't posted in a while - mostly because I've been so busy. Working on helping my 9th graders improve their student skills and improve ...
Tim Fredrick's ELA Teaching Blog: Teaching students to write dialogue
More ideas for teaching students to write interesting sentences | Main ... The use of the erasable sentence strips was genius and I hope the ...
Tim Fredrick's ELA Teaching Blog: New York City Teaching
Today was the first day of school for students in NYC and the first day of students at the local university where I teach a methods and student teaching ...
Tim Fredrick's ELA Teaching Blog: Teacher Retention
Posted by: Laura Slayton | June 07, 2006 at 11:37 AM. Teachers in America are underappreciated by the entire population of America. ...
Tim Fredrick's ELA Teaching Blog: Teaching character analysis, Part IV
Then (what students started today), students get into their lit circle groups and start thinking about how the main character is ...